
There are lots of activities you can do by yourself or in a group to learn about a topic and retain what you have learnt. Remember, it is good to know what type of learner you are to best remember. To read up on type of learners and revision, click the button below:

Individual Activities

  • Watch a film relevant to your topic, including a film from the time if appropriate. Write down notes and later research what was true, what was a lie and what was sensationalised
  • Listen to a radio excerpt relevant to your topic, including from the time if appropriate. Write down notes and later research what was true, what was a lie and what was sensationalised
  • Create a Wordsearch or Crosswords can be made for students to engage their thinking. A good way to start or end a topic.

Group Activities

  • Watch a film relevant to your topic, including a film from the time if appropriate. Write down notes and later research what was true, what was a lie and what was sensationalised
  • Debate and Discussion. Give groups some time to prepare and research a question to debate. You can allocate a speaker for the group or for all to have a talking part
  • Acting. Acting out a scene you have researched is an engaging way to reconstruct a topic or debate. It may also enable the group to put yourself in the moment
  • Word Association Challenge. You can use important time frames or verbal cues and ask the group to come up with the first thing in their mind for that topic – keep going round the group.

Another way of representing the world is to display countries’ sizes in proportion to key indicators, such as population, environment and development. Predictably, the world map of GDP is dominated by North America and Europe, while Africa almost disappears. The population cartogram gives greater prominence to India and China, and makes Indonesia far bigger than neighbouring Australia. But perhaps more surprising is the map of voter turnout, where emerging economies are bigger – and North America smaller – than many people might suppose. To see the world in a different way, click here

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